What To Expect In An MFT Session

What Is Morphogenic Field Technique?

The Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT) is an energetic testing system designed to move the body towards better health. I’ve been practicing muscle testing in my practice for a while, but fairly recently began to study the MFT technique because it is very much aligned with the philosophy and framework I use in my practice as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner. I also love that it allows me to hone in specifically on what is best for your situation and I can make bio-individual recommendations that are not just blanket protocols but are highly specific to your needs and the needs of your energy field. It is also extremely efficient and quick and I can use this modality in person with clients as well as remotely. Pretty cool, huh?

Muscle testing is a long-used technique in the holistic health space based on the belief that specific muscle weakness can signal dysfunction in the body. MFT is an advanced form of muscle testing in which we use your body’s own energy field to get feedback about your health and vitality. We are energetic beings, the earth itself has an electromagnetic energy field as does everything on it. When our own energy fields are balanced and large, we feel and look good. We are vibrant and vital and healthy. When our energy field is unbalanced (not equal on all sides) or small, we tend to be less well. We might have chronic or acute health conditions or sickness or struggle with a health challenge.

What is the process?

The first thing we will do is measure your energy field or M-Field. My clients that have small M-fields (0-3 feet) tend to feel tired and run down. People with larger fields (greater than 5 feet) tend to feel energetic and vibrant. Once we know your starting field, we will test foundational nutritional needs as well as “problem energies” to see what your body and energy field is attracting to. Our goal in each session is to grow your field and we come up with solutions that will do just that.

In order to test, I use digitized water vials organized into distinct kits or areas of focus. Once we’ve determined your starting field size, I test the foundations to see what the priorities might be. In Nutritional Therapy, we always start with these foundations:

  1. Hydration

  2. Digestion

  3. Fatty Acids

  4. Sugar Handling

  5. Minerals

Many of the health conditions and symptoms we have today are due to dysfunction and imbalances in these key foundations of health. If there is a lot going on in these areas, we may stop here. Balancing the foundations can take some time depending on where you are at in your health journey. MFT is all about working in layers. We start with foundational work and overtime as things come into balance and the optimal function returns, the body will begin to “talk” about other things going on. It is very similar to peeling back layers of an onion.

If the M-Field rejects the foundations kit (weak muscle test), it is not interested in any of the energies contained in that kit at that time. If the M-Field is attracted to a kit (strong muscle test), the M-Field has a need for a nutritional, emotional, supplemental, or lifestyle need at the cellular level. The M-field will not show attraction to energies it does not need but will attract the energies that may potentially fulfill a need.

After foundations, we move into immune challenges such as:

  • Bacteria

  • Mold

  • Yeast

  • Fungus

  • Viruses

  • Parasites

We look at what the M-field is attracted to in response to these challenges and negative factors housed in the vials and test kits and look for nutritional solutions and supplements that the body is attracting to in a positive way to support the challenge and grow your M-field field.

After immune challenges, we test all kinds of toxins including foods that you may be sensitive to, chemicals and ingredients in foods, environmental toxins, and heavy metals using the same process.

I have additional kits that can test for therapeutic foods and whole food nutrients (foods your body is attracting to or foods your body doesn’t want) that would enhance your field, specific diets that your body is attracting to (or not attracting to) as well as a kit that can test for other immune and inflammation challenges in the body taking the form of cytokine storms.

Once we have determined all of the solutions attracting to your M-Field, we re-measure the size and symmetry of the M-Field with all the solutions to ensure that your energy field is larger than when we started. I dose any supplements needed and we determine how long the protocol should be followed. We can then schedule a follow-up to re-test your field and to uncover another layer that will continue to grow your energy field.

What should I bring or what can I do to prepare?

All you need to do is come to our session with an open mind, a quiet space, and with few distractions. Be relaxed and properly hydrated if at all possible. I do most of the work, but having an engaged client definitely makes the process easier and goes more smoothly.

Ready to give it a try? Let’s work together! Schedule a 20-minute discovery call or your Initial Session today.