Women and Intermittent Fasting

Women and Intermittent Fasting

Ideally, we should have a fairly steady blood sugar ride throughout the day with balanced meals of fat, protein and carbs to satiate us until our next meal. We should not constantly rely on food for a quick hit of energy. This is not to say that eating regularly or snacking is bad, but giving your body a minimum of 3-4 hours between eating can provide the digestion cascade with the rest it needs and be very beneficial to the body.

Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT): Muscle Testing

Morphogenic Field Technique (MFT): Muscle Testing

I use MFT to hone in on the imbalances in the body and energetically assess what your body needs. We start with testing the foundations of health and can go deeper into the challenges the body is facing under the surface. The coolest thing about MFT is that it is a process and works in layers. As the body begins to find balance in the foundational elements other energies can present themselves as layers are uncovered and the body is better equipped to address challenges that are farther down the line.

8 Benefits of Seasonal Eating

With today’s complex food systems it is super easy to forget that the foods that are readily available are not always the foods that are in season where we live. Eating along with the seasons is not only a great way to improve your health, it is a great way to support your local communities, economy and can be budget-friendly. But don’t think you have to go all-in on seasonal eating at first, especially if you are used to eating your berries in winter or tomatoes in the spring ;-). Start with what you can and add local, seasonal foods as you go. A great way to do this is to find a farmers market close to your house, purchase produce and (meat products too!) from Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs), or start a small garden in your backyard.

I realize that not everyone has the privilege to eat this way depending on where you live and the time of year, so just do what you can, when you can, and don’t worry if you can’t eat seasonally and locally all the time. 

Let’s dive right into the benefits!

  1. Your food will taste better. Produce that is picked at peak ripened state just tastes better. If your produce is coming from across the country or across the globe, it is likely picked before it’s ripe and has to ripen in a dark box or container. Or it is picked when it is ripe and by the time it gets to you, it is overripe or is just not as fresh. Sometimes produce is even sprayed with chemicals to prevent it from ripening too quickly.

  2. Your diet will be more nutrient dense. Produce picked and eaten at the peak of ripening and freshness ensures that the nutrient profile of the fruit or vegetable is fully developed so that you are getting the vitamins and minerals your body needs. Soil quality, amount of sunlight, and the climate all contribute to the nutrient makeup of foods. Studies have shown that produce grown in-season often has more vitamins and minerals than the same produce grown out of season.

  3. You’ll consume fewer pesticides. Eating seasonally and locally increases your chances of eating organic or pesticide-free. Smaller farmers often can’t afford the official organic certification but are often still following organic practices. Don’t be afraid to ask the vendors at your local farmer’s market or the employees of your CSA. 

  4. A diverse diet is more gut-friendly. Eating seasonally ensures that you are eating a wide variety of fruits and vegetables. You are more likely to try new foods and new recipes and you won’t get bored. Try one or two unfamiliar vegetables or fruits each week. Eating a diverse diet with lots of variety is a great way to support the gut microbiome. Our good gut bacteria love to be exposed to the widest variety of foods possible. The microbiome changes along with the seasons too. In the summer, you’re likely to have bacteria in your gut that thrives on raw fruits and vegetables, while in the winter, you may have bacteria that prefer starchier foods.

  5. You might save a few bucks. Seasonal produce is more abundant (supply is greater), so it tends to cost less per pound in the store. If you are buying produce that is out of season, expenses are higher to get it to you.

  6. You’ll be more in tune with nature. In the warm, summer months we crave cool and juicy foods like watermelon, cucumbers, leafy greens, and tomatoes. When the weather turns cooler we crave heartier, warmer foods such as root vegetables and darker greens. When spring rolls around we reach for detoxifying foods like citrus, leafy greens, asparagus, radishes, and spinach. 

  7. You’ll help the environment. When produce has to travel, it takes a toll on the environment. Food production, packaging, and transportation release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and fossil fuels, which contribute to acid rain, air pollution, and global warming. Eating seasonally (and better yet, locally!) really helps to cut down on this impact. 

  8. You are supporting your community. Buying your produce from local farmer’s markets and CSAs is a great way to support your local farms, build your community, and better connect you to where your food is coming from and who is growing it. Additionally, when people learn about the farms where their food actually comes from, they have a greater appreciation for the meals made from those ingredients. 

Tips for eating seasonally:

  1. Shop at farmers markets or purchase a share of a local CSA to help support your community

  2. Try growing your own produce at home with an indoor and/or outdoor garden

  3. Freeze, dehydrate, or can fresh produce when it is in season to enjoy later

  4. Ferment or pickle seasonal vegetables to preserve and even increase their nutrient-density (try my saurkraut recipe here or my fermented foods round up)

When we align ourselves with the cyclical nature of seasons themselves and their bounty, we can fully enjoy the uniqueness of each season and connect more organically with the passing of time. Our bodies and minds crave seasonal changes, we are designed for it, so let’s lean in!

I love this one-page quick guide to what produce is in season when.

My Favorite Four Sigmatic Products

Consumed for centuries, mushrooms can provide a great natural, nutrition boost to improve your immunity, energy, and longevity. When I first heard Tero, the founder of Four Sigmatic on The Model Health Podcast speak about the healing power of mushrooms in 2015, I had to give their products a try. You can find many of the Four Sigmatic products at retailers nationwide, including Whole Foods, Natural Grocers, as well as online at FourSigmatic.com or Thrive Market. I tend to purchase direct from their website because I believe it’s the only place that carries their entire product line. I love the quality of the Four Sigmatic products and they make mushrooms so palatable and consumable through their great tasting coffees, elixirs and blends.


I have tried most of their product line, though I am not always able to keep up with all of the new, innovative items they introduce regularly. Here are some of my favorites, the products I recommend most to my clients and why. If you want to learn more about using mushrooms to improve your health, I highly recommend this book written by the Four Sigmatic Founder.

Coffees & Hot Cacao

All of their coffees come in an “instant”, powder form which is great for easy preparation and travel. I like them by themselves or mixed with my favorite non-dairy milk and collagen for more of a latte feel. They also contain only about half the caffeine that a regular cup of coffee does, but you wouldn’t even notice the difference with the superfood mushrooms and adaptogens they add in.

Instant Adaptogen Coffee 

I love how the adaptogens in this coffee help to combat stress and reduce the anxious feeling that coffee alone can give you. It contains Tulsi a calm-promoting adaptogen, known to uplift mood, support digestion, and promote balanced energy. They add Astragalus, another adaptogen which contains saponins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides. Saponins are known for their ability to lower cholesterol, improve the immune system and prevent cancer. Flavanoids have anti-oxidative qualities, control and scavenge free radicals, and can help prevent heart disease, cancer and immunodeficiency viruses. Polysaccharides are known to have antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-inflammatory capabilities, among other health benefits.

Instant Coffee w/Chaga and Cordyceps 

This was one of their original products and still one of my favorites to date. I take this one when I need a boost pre-workout, especially if I am doing something on the more challenging side. Cordyceps support energy, stamina and athletic performance, and have been found to have strong antioxidant properties in some studies. Chaga mushrooms help support your daily immune function. I recommend consuming Chaga tea (or the Four Sigmatic Chaga Elixir linked below) when you are starting to feel under the weather.

Instant Coffee w/Lion’s Mane 

This coffee is great for when you need to focus (like when you need to have a productive morning at the office). Lion’s Mane is a powerful nootropic as it helps increase Nerve Growth Factor or NGF, a protein that is crucial for the survival and function of nerve cells. When the amount of NGF in the brain increases, it enhances cognition by reducing inflammation, encouraging neural growth, and improving overall brain health. As I mentioned before, Chaga is a wonderful immunity booster. This coffee also contains the adaptogen Rhodiola, also known as “golden root,” is known to have tremendous fat-burning, energy-enhancing and brain-boosting power as well. 

Hot Cacao w/Reishi 

This isn’t your usual hot chocolate but it will satisfy your craving for sure. Made with organic cacao, cardamom, cinnamon, Reishi mushroom, and a touch of coconut sugar and stevia. I normally don’t love stevia, but I hardly notice it in this beverage. Reishi is one of the world’s most studied mushrooms and has been shown to help support sleep and occasional stress. They are believed to help a wide range of health issues including inflammation, liver disease (it’s a great liver detoxifier), digestive/gut issues, heart disease, anxiety and depression. I enjoy this one in the afternoons or evenings mixed with warm water or a non-dairy milk.

Chai Latte w/Reishi & Turkey Tail

All you need to do is mix this with water and you have a wonderful, nourishing chai latte. The Reishi is calming and stress relieving while Turkey Tail is a strong immunity booster and is one of the most nourishing mushrooms for gut health. Turkey Tail is a powerful prebiotic which supports the microbiome by feeding the good bacteria in the gut. This beverage is a healthy option when the afternoon sugar cravings hit or you are looking for a warm, sweet beverage to wind down in the evening with.


I love them all! They come in Chaga, Cordyceps, Reishi, and Lion’s Mane versions and can be mixed with water to drink on their own or added to other beverages including coffee or smoothies. See the benefits of each of these mushrooms in my previous comments above.


Superfood Blend

I love this blend because you can get the benefits of so many mushrooms in one little serving.  This is the product I use the most.  I add it to coffee, teas and my morning smoothie.  I even add it to sauces, soups and stews for a boost of mushroom nutrition.

Adaptogen Blend

This blend of mushrooms and adaptogens is great for those needing adrenal/stress support in the mornings.  You can add a teaspoon of this blend to your morning coffee, tea or smoothie. 


Strategies to Manage Anxiety Now

We are in the middle of a global pandemic and a common theme among st my clients, friends and family is anxiety. And rightfully so! This is a tough time for everyone. We all cope with it in different ways, but there are some practices that we can do to help alleviate it and even potentially prevent it from happening. Many of these practices are also immune boosting which is a nice bonus in times like these! While this list isn’t exhaustive, I hope this resonates with you and you can take at least a few things away in these challenging times.


Meditate daily.  Even if it is for just 5 minutes. Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts. You can use it to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Having a regular practice can significantly control anxiety. If you want some structure or accountability to start a practice, try one of the many medication apps out there now. I like: Headspace, Calm and Insight Timer.

Practice breathing exercises. Your breath is one of the most effective, all natural anxiety management tools and it is free! Deliberate, mindful breathing in a slow and steady pattern can reduce the heart rate and activate your parasympathetic nervous system bringing a sense of calm to the mind and body.

My favorite breathing technique is called Box Breathing. Here is how it works: On the inhale, expand the belly, then the diaphragm, then the upper chest for a count of 5. Hold for 5 counts and then on the exhale, let the breath go first from the upper chest, then the ribcage, then the belly all within a count of 5. Hold for 5 counts before you inhale again. This is a great way to retrain your body to breathe deeply and eliminate an acute stress response.

Detox from unnecessary screen time and social media. While technology at our fingertips at all hours of the day has its benefits, it is definitely harmful to our mental health. Our brains were not wired to process the constant access to social media, news feeds and the constant stream of content. Checking social media or our inboxes activates the pleasure receptors in our brains (like the happy neurotransmitter dopamine), but that rush doesn’t last long. We are left feeling sad, empty and anxious. Consider a regular social media detox. Weekends can be great for this or try going for an extended period for even better results.

Connect in real life. This seems odd coming right after I tell you do do a social media and screen time detox, but even if you can’t physically touch others, you can still be in touch with them, see them in person or over a phone call or video chat. Genuine friendships and relationships with your family or people in your community are key to feeling grounded, connected and fulfilled. Don’t be afraid to talk to the people closest to you about how you are feeling. Sharing thoughts, stories, giving and receiving advice and encouragement can reduce anxiety and be so rewarding long after you finish the visit. You may find comfort in knowing that many people are going through similar experiences, feelings and thought processes.

Start a gratitude practice. Gratitude may be one of the most overlooked tools that we all have access to. It doesn’t cost money, it takes little time and it can have tremendous benefits. Not only is gratitude a super powerful and positive emotion, it is easy to manifest. Try writing down 3 things you are grateful for at the end of each day. Doing this can help turnaround negative thinking and reduce anxious feelings. It is also a great to drift off into restful sleep. There is a lot of conclusive research about the mental and physical health benefits of a gratitude practice including positive changes to mental, physical and psychological heath.

Spend time in nature. Spending intentional time in nature restores balance and a sense of grounding and calm to the body. It wakes up the senses and gets those neurotransmitters working to help support anxiety. Even if you don’t have access to regional or state parks or trails, you can visit local parks, try gardening or a meet up that spends time outside. Speaking of getting outside….

Move your body every day. Movement delivers oxygen and nutrients to your tissues and help your heart and lungs work more efficiently providing you with more energy to go about your day. It also stimulates the neurotransmitters in our brain to help us feel happier and more relaxed. It can help to boost confidence and reduce stress and anxiety. Even if you can’t get to the gym every day, our bodies are meant to move. Even 20 to 30 minutes of walking can provide you with the physical and mental benefits. If you don’t love it and it isn’t easy to fit into your life, you likely won’t stick with it so find a way to move every day that not only works in your schedule and lifestyle, but that you enjoy doing.

Eat to nourish and support your gut. Gut health and anxiety are closely related through the gut-brain axis. Science on this topic is relatively new, but we do know that many of the bacteria in your gut make chemical messengers called neurotransmitters that regulate feelings of fear, anxiety, and stress. These neurotransmitters include serotonin, dopamine and GABA, all of which play a key role in anxiety and mood.  It is estimated that 90% of these neurotransmitters are produced in our digestive tract. When your microbiome is out of balance, the production of these neurotransmitters may be affected, resulting in a tendency towards anxiety.  While stool testing (I offer this!) is the gold standard in really determining what might be going on in the gut (i.e. dysbiosis/imbalanced flora, pathogens, viruses, and parasites), there are some ways you can better support your microbiome (and brain) without necessarily going that route.

Here are some great ways to nourish and support your gut:

  • Consume fermented foods and/or supplement with a probiotic. Yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, kombucha, and kimchi are all probiotic-rich foods which have been shown to significantly lower levels of stress and anxiety. Aim to eat or drink something fermented 2–3 times per day as a condiment. Try my easy sauerkraut recipe to get started. If these foods just don’t sound appealing to you or you would like some additional probiotic support, a high quality probiotic supplement can be great too.

  • Consume plenty of fiber. Properly prepared grains, nuts, seeds fruits and vegetables all contain prebiotic fibers which feed the good bacteria that live in your gut. Not only will they support the good gut bugs allowing your body to make healthy amounts of neurotransmitters, they are also known to be supportive of your body’s stress response.

  • Consume polyphenol-rich foods like in-season berries, stone fruits, apples, beans, nuts, cocoa, green tea, extra virgin olive oil and coffee all contain polyphenols, which are plant chemicals that are digested by your gut bacteria. Polyphenols can help to increase the healthy gut bacteria which are supportive of neurotransmitters.

  • Consume Typtophan and Vitamin D rich foods which can support serotonin production. These foods include fatty fish like salmon and sardines, along with eggs, turkey, spinach, nuts and seeds, and fruits like pineapple.

  • Nourish the gut with bone broth and/or gelatin and collagen peptides. Bone broth is incredibly nourishing to the gut. The gelatin it contains can help to repair intestinal lining and reduce inflammation in the digestive tract improving the gut lining. When you can’t make it yourself and don’t have access to it, gelatin and collagen peptide products can be a nice substitute.


Mindful Comfort Eating Strategies

There is A LOT of stress going around right now. You may be directly affected by our pandemic or you may not, but either way, you have added some stress to your life. If you are anything like me, you are finding that you are suddenly craving more carbohydrate-rich foods, comfort foods that bring you back to your childhood, or just straight-up sugar.

Do not feel bad about this. This is a completely natural and human response. As it turns out, our bodies are hardwired to combat stress with food. In times of stress, our bodies require energy, lots of energy to feed the hormones that cause anxious feelings. We crave high-sugar foods because they are highly palatable (i.e. they taste good!) and provide our bodies with the quick energy it is craving.

While these foods do give us a sense of calm in the short term, in the long term you are not doing your body any favors. When we overconsume refined sugar, we are continuously raising our blood sugar which requires the continued release of the hormone insulin to lower the blood sugar back to homeostasis which is taxing to our pancreas. When we eat too much-refined sugar and processed foods our pancreas can often overproduce insulin leading to low blood sugar or hypoglycemia and the roller coaster starts all over again as we eat more sugar to make ourselves feel better.

While I am not necessarily suggesting that we give up all of the treats that are making us feel good right now, I am suggesting that you listen to your body, notice how you feel AFTER eating so many of these foods, and consider some strategies that can help you to be more mindful of what you are doing to combat the stress you are feeling.

Here are my tips for mindful snacking:

  1. Slow down, and consciously choose a snack. Recognize if it is a snack that just tastes yummy and/or if it is a snack that will nourish you and satiate you. Remind yourself that it’s ok to have a snack when you are hungry.

  2. Pay attention to your hunger level. Think about the questions: Will this meet my needs? Will it take the edge off my hunger or cravings?

  3. Make sure that when you eat, you have as few distractions as possible. Sit at a table and eat slowly, chewing well. Keep distractions such as your phone or the TV off or away from you. Food is meant to be enjoyed so enjoy the process!

  4. Ask yourself if you are being kind to your body right now. Pay attention to how you feel. Is it time to stop or do you need more?


If you need more, that is OK. If you are ready to move on to another activity that can also help with stress relief, here are some ideas, but remember there are many more options:

  • Lean into your feelings, and let them wash over you. 

  • Distract yourself with a mindful activity. Do a project, watch a movie but make sure it is without distraction from phone or anything else

  • Call, FaceTime, or chat with a friend/family member

  • Move/exercise.  Go on a walk or bike ride, or find an exercise or yoga class online.

  • Play with your pet

  • Take a bath (Epsom salts or essential oils can be nice additions)

  • Write about how you feel in a journal

  • Change up your surroundings, just do something different

  • Be gentle with yourself and give yourself grace during this stressful time.

Boost Your Immunity Naturally

Our immune systems are complicated and directly tied to diet and lifestyle factors like stress and sleep, given their relationship with our adrenal, digestive, and hormonal systems. Here are some easy strategies to support your immune function throughout this season both before you are sick and when you have already come down with something that don’t involve taking another supplement, and won’t break the bank!

Eat a nutrient-dense whole foods diet. Make sure to include multiple servings of colorful fruits and vegetables which can be great sources of prebiotic fiber that feed the healthy bacteria in our gut. Garlic, onions and leeks, asparagus, bananas, plantains, apples and seaweed are all great sources of prebiotic fiber. Aim to eat a variety of greens, cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and cauliflower), peppers, sweet potatoes, and squashes which are high in vitamins C, A, and phytonutrients that support the immune system. Aim for 2 servings of fruits and 8 or more servings of vegetables.

We can’t forget about mushrooms! Not exactly a fruit or a vegetable, mushrooms can provide a great natural, nutrition boost to improve your immunity, energy, and longevity. You can’t go wrong with any type of mushroom but some will give you more bang for your buck. Packed with antioxidants, Chaga mushrooms are one of the most potent immune boosters that we can consume. I love Four Sigmatic’s chaga elixer and their 10 Mushroom Blend. Turkey tail is strong immunity booster and is one of the most nourishing mushrooms for gut health. It’s also a powerful prebiotic which supports the microbiome by feeding the good bacteria in the gut which relates back to our immune system. Reishi and Cordyceps are also wonderful mushrooms with immune boosting properties. Cooking with medicinal mushrooms like shitake is also helpful.

While most Americans eat adequate amounts of protein, some do not such as the elderly and vegetarian/vegan populations. Protein is critical for immune function and protein malnutrition is a big risk factor for death from infections. A good rule of thumb is to eat a minimum of approximately half your body weight in grams of protein a day of organic, clean protein, or about two four-ounce servings. Animal proteins including seafood, contain abundant immune supportive vitamins including vitamin A, B6, B12, D and E and minerals like iron, copper, zinc and selenium. Plant-based proteins like organic tofu and tempeh contain the most plant-based protein but legumes, nuts and seeds will suffice if consumed in enough quantity.

Minimize refined sugars. According to a 1973 study by Loma Linda University, Eating or drinking too much sugar reduces the ability of your white blood cells to kill germs and bacteria (possibly up to 50%) for at least a few hours after you consume it. White blood cells need vitamin C to destroy bacteria and viruses and sugar impacts this process by competing with vitamin C for space in those cells. The more sugar in your system, the less you will uptake vitamin C into your white blood cells. Consuming sugar inhibits your body’s ability to fight off infection and keeps your immune system from doing its job. Try to eat mostly natural sugars in the form of fruits, vegetables and properly prepared grains and legumes. Consume natural sugars such as honey and maple syrup in moderation.

Drink bone broth and warm beverages. Broths have been used in traditional cuisines around the world for thousands of years. Properly prepared meat broths are extremely nutritious – containing minerals, electrolytes and gut healing gelatin from animal bones, cartilage, marrow and vegetables. Researchers at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, found that the amino acids produced in the making of chicken bone broth reduced inflammation in the respiratory system and improved digestion. It is known to support normal immune system function (probably as a link to reduced inflammation in the gut) and reduce symptoms of allergies, asthma, and arthritis. Homemade is best, but Kettle and Fire makes an excellent shelf stable bone broth and Bonefide Provisions is distributed nationwide and can be found in the freezer section of some grocery stores. Teas with turmeric, ginger, mushrooms and other immune-boosting herbs are all great and make sure to drink plenty of water! Add a squeeze of lemon for an extra kick of vitamin C.

Mug and Bed

Eat fermented foods. Fermented foods go through a lactofermentation process where natural bacteria feed on the sugar in the food, creating lactic acid. The fermentation helps to preserve the food while creating beneficial enzymes, vitamins and various probiotic strains. Probiotics not only introduce beneficial bacteria into your digestive system and help the balance of flora, they are also known to support the immune system by secrete antibacterial peptides, capable of killing off harmful bacteria in the gut. They also help strengthen the barrier function of the intestinal lining, lowering the chance of bacteria in the intestines entering into the blood stream. This function may decrease infections and immune related reactions, therefore supporting the immune system. I like to eat my probiotics through eating foods like sauerkraut and kimchi, but a high quality grass fed or coconut milk yogurt can be helpful too as are fermented drinks such as kefir and kombucha (watch the sugar content).

Get outside / Move your body. Not only can getting some sun help to naturally boost your vitamin D levels which supports the immune system, but physical activity may help to flush bacteria out of the lungs and airways thereby reducing your chances of getting sick. Moderate exercise also causes more activity and circulation in antibodies and white blood cells which may allow them to detect illnesses earlier. Some anecdotal evidence shows that the brief rise in body temperature during and after exercise may prevent bacteria from growing or may help fight infection better (similar to how a fever works). Mild to moderate exercise or activity such as walking, yoga and light movement may be good for you when you are sick, but listen to your body and do not overdo it. Too much exercise and too extreme could actually cause more harm than good and can lower your immune defenses.

Minimize stress. Stress can create physiological stress in our bodies, lowering our immune defenses and making us more vulnerable to illness. Stress is known to lower our white blood cell’s ability to kill germs which may also inhibit your recovery. When you are feeling under the weather, aim to get plenty of sleep and try to take some time away from work and other daily stressors. Meditation, breath work, yoga taking a hot bath or a short walk may help to reduce stress and allow your body to heal faster. This is the time to catch up on your reading or podcast list or to veg out with your favorite Netflix show. I know that this is easier said than done, especially if you have a demanding job or are a parent, but your ability to rest will directly correlate to how quickly you are feeling better and back on your feet.

Get sufficient sleep. Sleep restores and heals the body and helps to keep our immune system strong. There are many studies that show that insufficient sleep weakens our immune response and makes us more susceptible to viruses and illness. Aim for seven to eight hours a night whenever possible.  


My Top 10 Strategies for Seasonal Affective Disorder

I never noticed if I felt differently throughout the seasons until we moved to Portland, OR. It was our second or third winter here when I began to recognize some patterns. My mental and physical health seemed to decline starting in mid to late November and lasted until at least the beginning of March. I would feel tired ALL THE TIME. I diagnosed myself with chronic fatigue. It was challenging to get out of bed and I wanted to nap all day. I craved carbohydrates and am guessing my body wanted the sugar to give me a boost of energy. I am usually an outgoing and extroverted person and I love social time with family and friends, but this time of year I would just want to hibernate. Staying in seemed so much easier and I didn’t have the energy to leave the house anyway, especially in the evenings.

It was only this year that I discovered with the help of my doctor that I likely have a mild to moderate case of SAD or seasonal affective disorder. It is very common and affects more people than you might think. You may even have the symptoms too and not even know that what you are feeling has a name. SAD is a type of depression that comes about with changes in the seasons. It generally begins in the fall and can last through the winter months. There are many symptoms and they can include: feeling depressed, wanting to hibernate, low energy, problems sleeping, changes in appetite and weight, carbohydrate cravings, feeling sluggish, increased anxiety. If you suspect you have it, I encourage you to work with your mental health practitioner or doctor.


That being said, I wanted to share some of the tips and tricks that have helped me to feel better during the time when SAD is the worst for me. I often start these practices in the early fall to try to get ahead of the symptoms that I start to feel as the days get shorter and the weather not as nice.

  1.  I allow myself to sleep in or at least wake up later. This often means I forgo my usual morning workout until later today, allowing myself for a slower morning and less risk of not getting up when I absolutely need to.  In the winter months, the sun is not coming up until well after I get up during the week so the closer I can get up to sunrise, the better.

  2. I get outside on a walk as soon as possible upon waking.  I am for a walk within 30-60 minutes of getting out of bed. My goal is to get the daylight (even on the days when there is no sun, which is often in the Pacific Northwest!) into my eyeballs. This is fairly easy for me since I am usually out to walk my dog or walk my daughter to school, but even on the days when my day is not so structured, I try to make this happen. This makes a huge difference in how I feel.

  3. I aim to eat foods that are rich in Vitamin D and high in tryptophan which can support serotonin production (the neurotransmitter our bodies tend to be deficient in during this time of year). I eat lots of fatty fish like salmon and sardines along with eggs, spinach, nuts and seeds, and fruits like pineapple.

  4. I also make sure to eat fermented foods and take probiotics, consume plenty of bone broth and/or collagen and fiber to nourish my gut. It is estimated that 90% of the body’s serotonin is made in the digestive track.

  5. I try for moderate to vigorous exercise 3-4 days a week (HIIT, strength training, jogging), plus movement like walking every day and some yoga mixed in. Most of the year I do this in the morning, but I move my exercise to later in the day during the winter months because I find that my energy levels are better and I am more motivated.

  6. I get outside every single day. I take my morning walk and try to get another activity in mid-day too, especially if the sun is out!

  7. I practice hydrotherapy. It is tough to start this habit but I worked up to finishing my shower on the cold setting for about three minutes. There is some decent evidence that cold hydrotherapy can benefit people with both anxiety and depression and anecdotally I find that it energizes me and makes me feel good!

  8. I supplement with Vitamin C, a B complex vitamin (for Folate, B6 and B12) along with zinc and magnesium. These vitamins are co-factors for neurotransmitter production. If we work together I can help you determine what supplements might work best for you.

  9. I budget funds for a winter vacation or two (even something short!) somewhere warm and sunny like Southern California, Mexico or Hawaii.  I know this isn’t accessible for everyone, but even driving to the mountains to be in the snow (if you live somewhere rainy like the PNW) or heading to the desert where at least you will see some sun can be helpful as well.

  10. I give myself grace this time of year. Since I naturally want to slow down, I allow it to happen. I rest more, take more time for self-care and don’t beat myself up when I can’t seem to do it all. I remind myself that I can resume my regularly scheduled life when I feel up to it.

I hope you find these tips helpful. Let me know if you try them out and how they work for you!

Sources and additional resources:

You Don't Have to Live With Heartburn or Acid Reflux

I recently wrote a blog post How to Naturally Support Digestive Function where I discussed natural ways to help support the start of your digestive process and your body’s stomach acid production. For some people, these strategies can be very helpful, but for those suffering from heartburn and/or acid reflux, we usually need to take a few steps back. Most people think that heartburn and acid reflux are “normal”.  While these symptoms and conditions are typical, they are actually NOT normal and a functional nutritional therapist (like me!) can help you to heal your digestive tract and determine the proper supplementation to improve your hydrochloric acid production, overall gut health, and ensure that your symptoms resolve for good. 

Let’s start from the beginning. Stomach acid (also known as hydrochloric acid or HCL) is a necessary part of the digestive process and not only allows us to digest our food properly, it is our body’s first line of defense against all kinds of pathogens.

There are many reasons why our bodies don’t produce the amount of stomach acid needed for optimal digestion. Age is definitely a factor, but other factors include alcohol consumption, a diet high in processed foods, nutritional deficiencies, and more. When stomach acid production is too low, the pyloric sphincter – the valve that releases the broken-down food from the stomach into the small intestine – doesn’t want to open. This leads to food sitting in the stomach for much longer than intended and if it sits too long, the stomach eventually sends the food back up the way it came, forcing its contents back up. Ironically, because the food has been sitting in stomach acid, it burns when it comes back up the esophagus.


In simple terms, heartburn is caused by too little stomach acid. This may be shocking to some as conventional wisdom has taught us that it is too much stomach acid that causes these symptoms. If you are taking acid blockers or proton pump inhibitors (PPI), you likely know that these medications lower the acidity in the stomach, so when the food starts to come back up, you don’t get the burning sensation. This doesn’t fix the problem or even the root cause of why it is happening, the acid blocker simply masks the symptoms of a bigger issue. The way to eliminate heartburn is to actually increase the amount of stomach acid produced by the stomach. This may seem radical, but it is true!

Whether or not you are taking a PPI to quell your symptoms, it is important to work with a practitioner to eliminate your heartburn or reflux before it becomes a bigger issue because. Low stomach acid is linked to many other problems and symptoms including nutritional deficiencies, food sensitivities, stomach pain, gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, parasites, or dysbiosis of the gut farther down the line. When stomach acid is too low, the body won’t be able to digest and utilize the nutrients in your food to its maximum ability – which leads to those nutritional deficiencies, overgrowth of harmful bacteria and inflammation, and “leaky gut” or intestinal permeability. Healing your gut and enabling your body to produce the stomach acid that it needs can truly improve your health.

Unfortunately, it isn’t as simple as just stopping the PPIs or taking HCL. You first need to heal your upper gastrointestinal tract with gut-healing nutrients and dietary changes, slowly wean off of the PPIs and then slowly bring back up your HCL in a safe manner with specific nutrients and supplements. Whether you are on a PPI and are looking to get off of it or are experiencing these symptoms regularly and want to get your digestion back on track I can help! Feel free to set up a FREE discovery call with me here.

If you are struggling with these symptoms, but are not currently on a PPI, here are three strategies to begin the healing process. Keep in mind, it still might be worthwhile to seek out help from a skilled practitioner.

  1. Practice mindful eating. This includes eating in a calm, relaxed state. You’ll want to sit down, take some deep breaths before eating, chew your food well and slow WAY down.

  2. Reduce the inflammation in your esophagus with healing foods and teas like slippery elm or Traditional Medicinals Throat Coat, bone broth, and pure aloe vera juice.

  3. Track your food intake and reduce your triggers for some time to give your body a chance to heal. They may include spicy foods, acidic foods, refined sugars, chocolate, coffee, and alcohol.


How to Naturally Support Digestive Function

A lot of factors influence the amount of stomach acid and digestive enzymes our bodies produce. As we grow older, our bodies naturally produce less stomach acid and digestive enzymes, but this is also a function of our diet and lifestyles as well. Digestion can become impaired due to a number of different issues including stress, excess sugar and alcohol consumption, nutritional deficiencies, or allergies and food sensitivities.

HCl is a critically important part of digestion. It is a gastric secretion originated in the stomach that enables the body to break down proteins (into amino acids to be used for neurotransmitters), activate important enzymes and hormones, and acts as the first line of defense against pathogens, parasites, and bacterial overgrowth in the gut. Given that HCl is such a critical part of the process at such an early stage, not having enough can really wreak havoc on the entire digestive chain.

You might be surprised to know that symptoms of low stomach acid include heartburn, indigestion and bloating. Conventional wisdom has led us to believe that these symptoms are caused by too much stomach acid and doctors commonly provide us with prescriptions for antacids, H-2 receptor blockers, and proton pump inhibitors all of which are designed to reduce or block stomach acid. Most of the time, people with these symptoms actually have low stomach acid, and not high. These drugs end up masking the problem instead of actually trying to help it and often make the problem even worse.

Lemon Water.jpg

Other symptoms of low stomach acid and other digestive aids may include a desire to eat when not hungry, a sense of fullness after meals, flatulence, constipation and diarrhea. Our body also produces bile to break down fat, which originates in the gallbladder and other digestive enzymes which are produced by the pancreas. So how do we best support our bodies to allow them to naturally improve your body’s ability to get this digestive fire going? 

Here are my suggestions to naturally and easily stimulate your digestive juices and get the process working like it is supposed to without adding another supplement to your diet.

Prep your body for digestion. This will stimulate the production of gastric juices and send signals to your digestive tract to know that food will soon be coming down the hatch. Here are some good options:

  1. Drink warm water with lemon. Half a cup of warm or room temperature water with a squeeze or two of lemon should do it.

  2. Drink apple cider vinegar. Take one to two teaspoons diluted in about a half cup of room temperature water. The key here is, raw, unpasteurized apple cider vinegar (preferably organic). 

  3.  Take bitters before meals. Bitter flavors stimulate the digestive flow, increasing the production of saliva and salivary amylase and triggering stomach acid and other digestive juices. Take about ¼ teaspoon of bitters before your meal (or suggested serving size) straight or diluted in a half cup of water. Make sure to use real bitters (my favorite is Urban Moonshine) that are made from organic ingredients and don’t contain fillers or additives. These days I keep the travel-sized bitters in my bag and use it on the go. Instead of the dropper, it is in a convenient spray able bottle. I use my larger bottle to refill the travel bottle when it runs low

Breath. If you are stressed out, you will not properly digest your food. Aim to always sit down to eat, with minimal distractions. Try taking 5 deep belly breaths before you eat can help to switch your body from a sympathetic “fight or flight” mode to a parasympathetic “rest and digest” mode.

Chew, chew, chew. Digestion is a very demanding task for the body and actually requires a great deal of energy. Saliva contains digestive enzymes, so the longer you chew, the more time these enzymes have to break down your food, making digestion easier on your stomach and small intestine. Shoot for about 30-40 chews per bite. This may seem like a lot, but your food should be liquid before it goes down to the small intestine.

Put that fork down. Between bites that is. This will encourage you to slow down and keep calm. It also makes for more mindful eating where you will be able to taste your food better, enjoy the process and also check in with your hunger cues to avoid over-eating.

Keep water drinking to a minimum. Drinking too much water or other beverages with your mail can dilute your stomach acid and other gastric juices. Aim to take small sips and aim to drink more water away from mealtime.

These strategies are great for supporting your digestion and will allow the process to function in the way that it is meant to. Try these out for a few weeks and let me know how it goes! Many of my clients notice big changes in their digestion by incorporating these habits. You might see less bloating and gas and better (and more consistent!) bowel movements.

If you’ve tried these strategies, but continue to struggle with digestive symptoms, let’s do a deeper dive into the root cause of your discomfort. Schedule a session with me and let’s get started!

Transitioning To a Real Food Diet    

We are experiencing a health crisis of epic proportions today. Diabetes, cancer, depression, anxiety and autoimmune conditions (the list goes on) are at all-time highs despite many people’s attempts to “diet” and exercise. Dogma is rampant in the health and wellness world and marketing sends mixed signals or even outright incorrect information based on motivations rather than actual data or facts. Western medicine can be so helpful for targeted treatment plans for some illnesses or acute conditions, but it is failing us in many ways as we are sicker than ever on the whole.

Today’s health epidemic is likely caused by many factors including but not limited to: our diets, lifestyles, and the environment we surround ourselves with. If there is one thing that most health and wellness experts agree on – it is that eating real, whole foods can significantly improve your health. I know that it is not always practicable to eat this way 100% of the time, but getting in as much real food in our diet as possible will allow you to thrive. You may notice that you are sleeping better, have more energy, have fewer mood, and blood sugar swings, and are even seeing improvements in your traditional health markers.

What is Real Food?

You might think that this term is not worth defining, but I want it to be super clear. Real food is food found in nature or that comes from a whole, unprocessed source. These untouched or minimally processed foods are typically the highest in nutrient density as well. Our bodies are built to recognize these foods, digest them, and most importantly, utilize their nutrients (assuming that we prepare them in a way that does not harm their nutrient profile). Some examples of natural sources of food besides the obvious fruits and vegetables include wild-caught fish and grass-fed or pastured meat, dairy, and eggs. When an animal eats the food that it is meant to eat, its own meat and milk will have the highest sources of nutrients possible. An animal is what it eats so if it is eating inappropriate, inflammatory foods, this will get passed on to us when we eat it. Conventionally raised meats from animals raised in tight quarters, on feedlots have a significantly different nutrient profile than an animal raised on pasture. Butter from grass-fed cows has significantly higher levels of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) which is supportive of heart health, and eggs from pasture-raised chickens have more Vitamin A, D, E, C, omega-3 fatty acids, and folate than their conventional counterparts. You can often tell how nutrient-dense food is by its color. This goes for the deep, rich colors of many fruits and vegetables as well as animal products. For example, pastured egg yolks have a much deeper color which comes from that higher nutrient content. 


Dairy and meat. If you tolerate dairy, look for non-homogenized and raw milk forms of cheese and yogurt when possible. The homogenization and pasteurization process denatures the milk and significantly reduces the nutrient quality, eliminating it as real food. If your budget allows, look for organic and preferably grass-fed and pasture-raised varieties. It is definitely harder to find non-homogenized, non-pasteurized, raw dairy unless you are purchasing straight from a farm. It might be worthwhile to check out a meat or dairy CSA in your area.

Produce. While all fruits and vegetables are considered real food, aim to purchase organic versions, especially when it comes to the dirty dozen. It is likely that fewer pesticides and organic growing methods allow for more nutrients in the soil, raising the nutritional content, and making these fruits and vegetables more nutrient dense.  One study found organic strawberries to have more vitamin C and antioxidants than conventional strawberries while another concluded organic tomatoes have more polyphenols (antioxidants) than commercially grown tomatoes.

Grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. These are also considered real food, assuming that they are properly prepared and not coated in refined sugar or inflammatory oils. Purchasing these items in their natural, raw form and prepping them at home will ensure you are removing as many anti-nutrients as possible and getting the maximum nutrition.

Oils and fats. Most oils and fats are found in nature and are nutrient-dense, meaning they are considered real food. You have to be careful though because many oils on the market are man-made, highly processed and the opposite of nutrient-dense. These man-made oils, including canola (or rapeseed), soybean, sunflower safflower, corn, and cottonseed come from tough seeds and legumes that were originally grown for industrial use. Their consumable form is only achieved through an incredible amount of processing, oftentimes using harsh, petroleum-based chemicals to bring them to an edible form and to extend their shelf life. They are toxic and inflammatory to the human body, especially when heated, as they degrade and release volatile toxic compounds into the air and our food. The best real food oils and fats are those found in nature and have not been altered. My favorite fats for cooking include ghee, avocado oil, and coconut oil, for higher heat and butter, and sesame and olive oil for lower heat cooking. Animal fats can be great too if they come from quality sources.  As a general rule, consider cooking with saturated fats as they are more heat stable and have a higher smoke point. Use butter, olive oil, and polyunsaturated fats as finishers for serving. These fats have lower smoke points and easily oxidize when exposed to heat or light.

Tips for Transitioning

  1. Shop the perimeter of the store first – This is where you will find the bulk of the REAL food like produce, dairy, proteins, etc.

  2. Aim for a minimum of five colors on your plate – This will ensure you are getting a variety of vitamins and minerals at each meal and are including plenty of vegetables (which tend to have the best color variety)

  3. Eat local whenever possible – Find a farmers market close to your house, purchase produce and meat products from Community Supported Agriculture (CSAs), or grow your own food in a garden. These foods are higher in quality, are more nutrient-dense, and taste better too!

  4. Meal prep one day a week – Planning your meals in advance and prepping items ahead of time will set you up for success. Our lives are busy today and we eat what is convenient! Set aside a few hours a week to plan out some meals and prepare parts of them ahead of time to make it easier to get real food on the table.

  5. Be gentle with yourself - Go slow and change things one step at a time. There is no rush to this process and no need to beat yourself up for not always eating this way. Even one small change will improve your health!



What's Up with Supplements?

Do we need them? I’d love to say no, but unfortunately given today’s environment the answer is yes for most people. Here are some of the reasons:

  1. Soil diversity and quality has declined in modern times, decreasing the nutrient density of the food that comes from this soil. Modern farming has also led to a reduction in the diversity of plant foods that we eat on a daily basis and an increase in environmental toxins. Not to mention, most people don’t eat nearly enough of the right foods to obtain the amounts of nutrients that our bodies thrive on.

  2. Our generation grew up with chronic antibiotic use, long-term use of birth control pills and other medications which wreak havoc on the liver and digestive and endocrine systems. We have reached a point where healing the gut and reversing damage to our bodies require more than dietary changes.

  3. Our lifestyles today are challenging. In general, we are chronically stressed, we have poor sleep quality and quantity, we are not getting enough activity and movement in or we are over exercising, and we don’t spend enough time connecting with nature or spending time with one another.


I encourage my clients to obtain as many nutrients from food as possible because nutrient dense, whole foods are essentially pre-packaged nutrients that fit together naturally, containing many co-factors and enzymes required to absorb those nutrients. Though as I mention above, most of us are not obtaining the optimal level of at least some nutrients. Supplementation may be necessary indefinitely or for a period of time depending on the situation. For example, many of us are vitamin D and magnesium deficient. Other vitamins that we tend to be deficient in include vitamin A, K2, C, B12, selenium and iodine.  Given our years of consuming more omega-6 vegetable oils when saturated fat had a bad rap, many have an imbalance in their omega-3 / omega-6 ratio as well (they should be balanced).

Because we are all so different and our bodies have different needs based on our lifestyles, diets and history I don’t make blanket recommendations. The best way to determine what deficiencies you have is to work with a functional medicine or holistic practitioner. As practitioners, part of our job is to research and test the best supplements for our clients to ensure that they are getting the appropriate nutrients their body needs. We help to monitor any adverse reactions or interactions with other medications you may be taking and help ensure proper dosing and timing. Some nutrients are known to be toxic if taken in high doses. For example, vitamin A can cause liver problems, too much zinc can reduce copper in the body and vitamin E and selenium may be linked to prostate cancer.

It is also important to note that the supplement industry is not regulated by the FDA and is in fact, not regulated at all. Standards for quality do not exist and there is nothing keeping companies from making false claims on their packaging which is ineffective and even dangerous. A Canadian research group conducted a study on a variety of different generic brand supplements. They found that many of these supplements found in well-known pharmacies (e.g. Walgreens, Wal-Mart) contained unlisted fillers, contaminants, completely different compounds than listed, and in some cases no active herbal ingredients at all. Over 60% of the store brand supplements tested had incorrect labeling, and more than 50% didn’t contain the advertised ingredient.

Given this problem, it is very important to purchase high quality supplements from trusted source. It is also important to find brands whose products are considered to be pharmaceutical grade which are at the top-tier of quality and generally only dispensed (or at least endorsed) by practitioners and clinicians. These supplements are produced under rigorous laboratory conditions, tested for purity, contaminants, and are free of allergens and questionable ingredients. The companies package synergistic compounds together to help improve your body’s ability to absorb the active ingredients. You can also be sure that you will be getting only those ingredients listed on the labels, without fillers and toxins.

Supplements can have a place in our health journey, provided we use them sensibly and not at the expense of a whole foods-based, nutrient dense diet. Ignore the dogma that is rampant in the health and wellness industry about the latest and greatest supplement and figure out what will work best for YOU with the help of someone trained to do so. You may find that in the long run you save money on products and supplements you don’t need and actually feel better using the supplements that serve your mind and body and improve your health.



Read This If You Eat Grains

Grains, beans (legumes), nuts and seeds contain naturally occurring ant-nutrients which are a plants innate defense mechanism.  In fact, almost all plants have some form of anti-nutrient or toxic substance to protect itself from being eaten. These anti-nutrients can negatively affect our health if we let them. For example one anti-nutrient, phytic acid, inhibits the absorption of other nutrients in the food and can cause digestive distress and blood sugar issues for some people. Others contain substances such as lectins , which can irritate the gut lining and eventually cause skin conditions and autoimmune responses. In extreme cases, some beans and raw seeds are highly toxic when eaten raw.

To alleviate this problem, many popular diets today appease the masses and simply eliminate them completely from their plan and don't get me started on the debate in health and wellness circles on this topic. It is unfortunate because many of us can actually tolerate these foods, especially when they are prepared properly. Once the anti-nutrients are degraded with proper pre-treatment, these foods become excellent sources of nutrients.  

The concept of soaking and sprouting grains, legumes, nuts and seeds is not new. In fact, many ancient cultures around the world soaked, sprouted or fermented these foods and still do today. Over the years, they learned that preparing these foods in this way helps to alleviate the digestive distress and makes the nutrients more bio-available. The Chinese were the first people to sprout beans as they sailed on voyages overseas. The abundant vitamin C in sprouted mung beans prevented the crews from getting scurvy. Instructions for sprout dried peas for soups were found years ago in French cookbooks and bulgur, an ancient grain from the Middle East, is made from sprouted wheat. 

Ideally, grains should undergo a long ferment (such as traditional sourdough or beer). However, this is not always practical given our time and storage constraints. After fermentation, sprouting is the next best preparation as it can still help to reduce anti-nutrients while simultaneously increasing the nutrient density of the food. Soaking alone will also help in the reduction of anti-nutrients, though not quite as well as soaking.


It is important to mention that some of our population cannot tolerate these foods (particularly grains and legumes). Other people choose to omit them because they may feel better without them or are obtaining the nutrients in these foods from another source. We are all different and have different needs and belief systems that influence how and what we eat. For those who choose to eat grains, beans, nuts and seeds – aim to eat them in their properly prepared form as often as possible so that you can take in as much of their nutrition as feasible and reduce your chances of mineral depletion or digestive distress later. If you are unsure about whether you tolerate these foods well or not, it may be helpful to eliminate them for a period of time as a test. If you do eat them in your home, take the time to properly prepare them.  Your body with thank you!

Instructions for soaking grains and beans:

  1. Place your grains/beans in a glass bowl or large canning jar and cover with twice as much warm (not hot) filtered water.
  2. Add one tablespoon of an acidic medium like lemon juice, raw apple cider vinegar, or whey plus a pinch of salt to help breakdown the anti-nutrients
  3. Cover the bowl and leave on your countertop for 12 hours or overnight.
  4. Rinse the grains/beans until the water runs clear and cook as usual.  Cooking time may decrease slightly.

Instructions for soaking nuts and seeds:

  1. Place your nuts/seeds in a glass bowl or large canning jar and cover with twice as much filtered water. 
  2. Add one teaspoon of salt (for each cup of nuts) and stir to ensure the salt dissolves
  3. Cover the bowl and leave on your countertop for 12 hours or overnight.
  4. Rinse the nuts or seeds and eat right away or use a dehydrator or warm oven set to 15 degrees to dehydrate until they are dry and crisp.  Soaked nuts or seeds will keep for about 3 days in the refrigerator.

Instructions for sprouting grains, beans, nuts and seeds:

The instructions for sprouting all grains, beans and seeds is the same for each, though the length of time it takes to sprout varies.

  1. Fill a canning jar about 1/3 full with your dried grains, beans, nuts or seeds 
  2. Add enough filtered water to cover by a few inches and cover with a sprouting lid or square of cheesecloth (be sure to secure it at the top).
  3. Soak overnight then drain and rinse well.
  4. Invert the jar into a bowl and prop it up so that it sits at an angle to drain and be sure to keep out of direct sunlight
  5. Twice a day, rinse the seeds and in two to five days the sprouts will be ready
  6. Store in the refrigerator to eat raw or until you are ready to cook them.




Break Up With Diet Culture

Diet culture is something that is all around us yet most of us don’t think about it specifically or even know what it is. It feels normal to us even though it is anything but.  Diet culture exists because our society values the number on the scale over health and longevity. It sends the message that restrictive eating through calorie deficits and the elimination of food groups, or whatever fad diet is in favor will help us to lose weight and therefore make us happier and healthier. It also tells us that the more we work out and the harder we work out, the more likely we are to have six pack abs. It reinforces the belief that if you are thin and or appear fit that you are a happier person. Diet culture is black and white – putting foods into buckets labeled good or bad with the aim of creating shame in our minds so that we continue purchase products and services that will give us that “bikini body”, help us get our body back after having a baby, or give us the energy of our youth.

This culture wants us to be in the cycle of wanting to lose weight and trying to keep it off, hating our bodies and shaming ourselves, it wants us to feel like a failure or worthless when a “diet” isn’t working. They want us to spend more money on the next diet, supplement or workout program. We can choose not to engage in this cycle, but it is dificult because it is so engrained in our society today. We deserve better.

Diet Culture


Here are some strategies to help you reframe your thoughts and allow you to take charge of your mindset around health, while allowing you to stop feeding into, and thereby supporting diet culture: 

1. Instead of labeling foods as good or bad or eliminating certain foods just because you believe they are too high in fat, carbs or calories, try to think about all foods as neutral and really pay attention to how they make you feel.  Are these foods working for you, nourishing you and making you feel good? Stop reading labels for recommendations on how much you should be eating and eat what feels right to you, when it feels right and the amount that will nourish and sustain you. Aim to push out the guilt and anxiety associated with former “bad” foods. So long as the bulk of your meals are based on whole foods with lots of organic greens and vegetables (fiber), high quality proteins and healthy fats and you are feeling well generally, you can still enjoy some of the foods that our diet culture associates with guilt, shame or whatever else they have come up with to manipulate our thinking.

2. Stop exercising for punishment or to negate something that you ate and consider how exercise makes you feel. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t negate something you ate with running ten miles or taking two hours of spin class.  We have very little control over our actual metabolic rate. While our food intake accounts for 100 percent of the energy that we take into our bodies, exercise burns off only somewhere between ten and thirty percent depending on a variety of factors at that time. It is pretty hard to erase your diet with hours on the treadmill and it isn’t worth the time or the hardship to your body. More exercise isn’t always better.  In fact, most of the time it introduces more stress to your body. Over time the behavior of using exercise as punishment for poor dietary decisions can be extremely detrimental to your heath and your mindset.  Exercise should be something that brings you joy and should be used as a tool to make you feel strong in your body, have more energy and confidence and add to your health and well being. So seek out the forms of exercise that you enjoy and do them because you care about your body

3. Let go of the idea that the number on the scale or your clothing size determines your worth, capabilities, health or happiness. Diet culture will tell you time and time again to follow a specific plan and you will lose weight and therefore be a happier person. There are unhappy people at all sizes and your worth and capabilities in any capacity are not tied to your weight or how you look in a bathing suit.  This is a big one, especially with postpartum women. As new moms we often feel like we have to get our bodies back and in short order. Why?  Because in diet culture, we are made to feel that we are not ourselves until we can successfully fit into our old clothes and have the same body that we had before having children.  When you really think about it, is that even rational? Pregnant or not, our bodies change over time depending on our lifestyles, stress levels and seasons of life. A mother’s body should be celebrated for having the strength and amazing ability to carry a life, give birth and nourish that life. It is normal to not look the same afterwards because let’s face it, we are not the same afterwards.  Your body never goes away it just changes with your experience, just like it does with other life experiences.

When you stop spending so much time stressing about your weight and focus on living your life – spending time with your children, nourishing yourself with foods that make you feel good, move your body as we are designed to, and do things for yourself that bring you joy and peace, you may just find that you are happier.  You may never again fall into the trap of dieting and over-exercising only to fail and feel bad enough about yourself to do it again and again.

There are so many other ways that diet culture infiltrates the messaging we see all around us.  I could go on about this forever so I picked a few of the common themes I see. I hope this post helps you to think about how diet culture has influenced you over the years, what you can do minimize its harmful effects and move forward in a more positive way that can help your own health and mindset.  Hopefully over time the power that diet culture has over our society will diminish or even go away completely.

Let’s make it happen!



Practical Ways to Reduce Your EMF Exposure

Our bodies process thousands of toxins and environmental stressors on a daily basis.  There is a direct link between how many toxins we are exposing ourselves to and our ability to achieve optimal health and well-being. Some of these exposures are avoidable by changing what we put on in our bodies, on our bodies and what we do in our homes. These stressors are often hard to understand because they are not something that you can see or feel.

EMFs are electromagnetic fields and are all around us via electronic devices like our cell phones, Wi-Fi, electric wiring and lighting in our homes and even refrigerator motors. These EMFs pass through our bodies constantly, disrupting out bodies own unique electromagnetic energy field and potentially harming our cells by changing how our cells communicate with one another. While there is a huge amount of uncertainty over how harmful EMFs are to human health, there is a common theme that chronic EMF exposure may be related to ailments such as chronic fatigue, sleep issues, neurological and behavioral problems and even cancer.

EMF Exposure Unsplash

High levels of constant EMF pollution are most problematic, particularly for a subset of the population particularly susceptible to adverse symptoms from excessive exposure. Children also appear to be more vulnerable to EMFs than adults. Reducing exposure to on a daily basis can be helpful in achieving better health for you and your family. A great place to start is in our homes – where we can control the level of EMFs we are exposed to.

Here are some of the easiest and most economical ways I have found to reduce exposure:

  1. Change out the light bulbs in your homes from fluorescent or CFLs to incandescent. I know, it seems this is moving backward, but these newer bulbs give off radiofrequency radiation in addition to UV radiation and dirty electricity. The old-school incandescent light bulbs give off much less of these by-products (though they do use more electricity). Energy-efficient LED light bulbs don’t contain radiofrequency radiation or UV radiation, but they still produce dirty electricity.

  2. Reduce your exposure when you don’t need it – while you sleep. Start by putting your Wi-Fi on a timer in order to turn it off a night (cutting your exposure in half). You can also remove high EMF sources from your bedroom by putting your cell phone in airplane mode, turning it off, or keeping it out of your room entirely. If you need to access your phone at night, keep it across the room from where you are sleeping to reduce your exposure to cell phone radiation. You can also purchase a battery-operated analog or LCD alarm clock. Keep other EMF emitting things like laptops, televisions, DVD players, etc., out of your bedroom as these electronic devices are constantly emitting an EMF that affects you while you sleep and may even affect your sleep experience itself.

  3. Reduce your usage of cell phones and other devices including wearables like an Apple Watch or FitBit. Turn your Bluetooth off, and keep your phone in airplane mode whenever possible. If your kids play games or use apps on your phone or their phones, ensure they are playing in airplane mode. While the evidence on this isn’t totally clear, there may be a link between certain cancers (including the brain) as well as infertility to high levels of exposure to cell phones. Having your phone (or wearing it) close to your body is exposing you to constant radiation and EMF exposure.

  4. Take regular Epsom salt baths to reset and recharge your body. For a great detox bath and a way to reduce the body’s toxic burden from chemicals and radiation, mix one cup of Epsom salt with a half cup of baking soda. Add 2-4 drops each of frankincense, lavender, and/or juniper berry essential oils directly to the mix, then pour under running water. Do this as often as possible, at least once a week.

For more information on reducing your EMF exposure in and out of the home, here are a few books and other sources below.


Feel Your Best, Even When Travelling

Sticking to your usual diet and lifestyle routine can seem daunting and stressful when you are travelling, particularly when you are travelling for work. Here are my strategies for feeling your best no matter where your plans lead you. I realize that sometimes we don't want to stick to our schedules when on vacation, for example, so please feel free to take from this post what you want and disregard what you don't find helpful or useful to you.  Travelling can be stressful enough!

Lodging. If possible, find a place that offers a mini-fridge or even a small kitchen in the room in order to store healthy snacks and prep quick meals. Sometimes hotels are the only option, but some may have kitchens or refrigerators available in the room.

Food. You can easily take a variety of foods with you depending on the length of your trip, and the luggage you are travelling with.

For perishable foods, take a small cooler bag along with ice packs to keep foods cold during transit. When flying, if you’re unsure if you will make it through security with your ice packs, bring along a closable bag and get ice from an airport vendor once you’re in the terminal.

You can always prep a few items to bring if you have the time. All of which will survive just fine without ice packs.

  • Precut raw veggies of all kinds (i.e. carrots, celery, broccoli, cucumber, bell pepper)

  • Fruit, wash and bring whole if it travels well or cut up and put in small containers

  • Hard boiled eggs

  • Homemade muffins

  • Homemade granola

  • Energy bites

  • Trail mix

You can also bring, or purchase any of the following when you arrive at your destination:

  • Bananas, apples, citrus, berries, and avocados

  • Single serving packs or small containers of guacamole, hummus, coconut oil and nut butters

  • A loaf of your favorite bread

  • Packets of plain oatmeal

  • Granola (watch for high sugar content and vegetable oils, this one uses a small amount of coconut sugar and coconut oil)

  • Grass-fed yogurt or non-dairy yogurt

  • Grass fed jerky or beef sticks

  • Olives

  • Wild caught tuna, oysters, sardines or salmon in pouches or BPA free cans/tins

  • Hemp hearts, chia seeds, and raw nuts

  • Dried or freeze dried fruit

  • Refined sugar free bars like: RX Bar, Lara Bar, Epic Bar

  • Dark Chocolate

  • Saurkraut and/or kombucha to keep your digestion in check

 Eating out. Try not to stress too much about this, especially if you are on vacation.  Sometimes what we eat can’t always be in our control and some balance is good for us. It is ok to not always eat 100% healthy all the time. If you eat well most of the time, your body can handle some not so great for you meals once in a while. Some digestive enzymes and HCL support can help support your digestion if you are eating things that you are not used to. A warm cup of lemon water can be helpful too following a meal or in the morning. Here are my tips for when you do what to stay on track:

  • Let the wait staff know if you have any dietary restrictions and ask for their suggestions, especially at places where items are not labeled (i.e. gluten free, dairy free)

  • When ordering salads, find out what kind of oils they use. If they don’t know or if they are vegetable oil based, ask for a side of olive oil and lemon wedges or vinegar. Ask them to hold any croutons or cheeses if you’re avoiding gluten and processed dairy.

  • Burgers without the bun or a lettuce wrap are always an easy option. When in doubt meat or wild-caught fish with vegetables are your best bet. You can avoid sides fried in vegetable oils by asking for a side salad, or steamed or grilled vegetables.

  • Avoid vegetable oils by asking if there is an option to have your meat or vegetables cooked in butter (instead of the typical canola or soybean oil).

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Creature Comforts. Bring your own reusable water bottle and travel mug for coffee or tea to use throughout your trip. Don’t’ forget your usual supplements, favorite teas and additional immune boosting supplements in case you need them. As your digestion can be off when travelling, some extra magnesium can help to keep you relaxed and keep things moving. Natural Calm makes some handy packets that are great when you are on the go. I like to bring my favorite essential oils too, along with a detoxifying face mask or beauty treatment for some inexpensive self-care. I always bring good walking shoes to make sure I can get in some movement and if I have the space I bring my travel yoga mat (if I have room) for hotel room workouts in case there isn’t a good gym or the weather outside isn’t ideal. It is important to note that if you are not up for working out at your usual level, don't stress. Travelling is tiring to your body and this might be a great time to give your body a rest or try a different way of being active or working out that your normally don't do. Keeping as normal of a routine as possible is crucial to overall health and longevity, especially if you travel for work often.  If you are travelling for pleasure, try to unplug and de-stress as much as possible, you have earned it!  

3 Reasons to Choose Pastured Eggs

1.      It’s the right thing to do. Chickens that are pasture-raised are able to roam (relatively) free and are able to eat the foods that most closely match their natural diet. We see the term “vegetarian fed” on many egg labels as a marketing scheme, but chickens are not naturally vegetarians.  Allowing them to move around on pasture allows them to enjoy the fresh air and eat a variety of foods such as seeds, grasses, insects, and worms. There is far less crowding when they are able to roam free, leading to better conditions and less stress for the chickens. 

2.      It’s better for the environment. Chickens raised in confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) create a toxic environment, polluting the air, waterways, and soil with the large amount of waste they produce. Pasture-raised chickens, however, are able to leave their droppings in the pastures they are grazing upon, which fertilizes the soil and allows for new life to grow — completing the life cycle.

3.      Eggs produced from pasture-raised chickens are more nutrient dense. In 2007, Mother Earth News, an advocate for better farming practices, studied the nutritional differences between eggs from pasture-raised chickens and eggs from conventionally raised factory chickens. Compared to a conventional egg, a pasture-raised egg may contain:

·        2/3 more vitamin A

·        2x more omega-3 fatty acids

·        3x more vitamin E

·        7x more beta carotene

Other studies have shown that vitamin D in pastured eggs may be up to four to six times higher than conventional eggs given all of the natural sunlight pasture-raised chickens are exposed to. Pastured eggs may also yield higher levels of folate, and even measurable levels of vitamin C, likely stemming from the natural diets they are eating.

Photo credit: Madeline Mae Photography

Because of the lack of regulation in the egg industry (much like the meat industry), the term “pasture-raised” on a label may not mean much. Some egg producers choose to obtain certifications like the “Certified Humane®” pasture seal. This seal identifies eggs that meet certain standards and that come from farms that have been inspected by the Certified Humane program. Certified Humane farms go through regular audits to ensure every egg that goes into a carton comes from Certified Humane® pasture farms.

So how do you choose what type of eggs and which brands will work best for you? I put together the table below to help you to make the most informed decision for you and your family when purchasing eggs. It’s important to note that pastured eggs are typically the most expensive eggs on the market. If price is a sticky point, it will be worth shopping around to find local farms, farmers markets, or stores in your neighborhoods that offer competitive pricing for pastured eggs, or purchase them only when you find them on sale. Don’t beat yourself up if you can’t always buy the highest-quality pastured eggs, we can only do the best with the resources and options that we have. Hopefully someday, all of the eggs available for purchase will be from chickens raised on pasture.





Sources: Humane Society, Cornucopia Institute

Sources: Humane Society, Cornucopia Institute

4 Simple Health Hacks

We are busy and most of us don’t have the time to dial up our health another notch. Here are four simple ways to help you on the journey to feeling your best without a huge time or resource commitment.


  1. Go to bed 30 minutes earlier. Sleep may be the most important thing in our health arsenal. It plays a vital role in our physical and mental well-being. Getting an extra 30 minutes of sleep gives your body more time to heal, repair, and detoxify from the day and can revitalize your brain, allowing your brain to form new pathways and perform better the following day. Ongoing sleep deficiency has been linked to increased risk of heart and kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke, and obesity. To help you get to sleep earlier, try cutting your screen time short and unwind with light stretching, meditation, or a good book.
  2. Drink more water. I know you hear this message a lot, but are you really drinking enough water given your activity level and lifestyle? The general rule of thumb for daily water consumption is to drink half of your body weight in ounces plus an additional eight to 12 ounces for each diuretic beverage you consume. Diuretics include juices, coffee (even decaffeinated), most teas including some herbal teas (i.e., peppermint), and alcoholic beverages. One way I’ve found to easily get in all that I need is by drinking at least 12 ounces of water right before bed, another 12 or so upon waking, and then splitting up the rest throughout the day, especially between meals. Carry a water bottle with you wherever you go and track how many times you refill it. Spruce up plain water with lemon (which is especially great served warm in the morning for better digestion), sliced cucumber, mint, or berries. 
  3. Chew your food longer. This one isn’t entirely obvious but is so important. Chewing your food well not only ensures that the entire digestive process gets kicked off but also allows you to absorb more nutrients from your food. It makes digestion easier and reduces digestive issues like gas and bloating. Chewing slowly will also lead you to eat slower, providing your brain with the time it needs to register that you are starting to feel full. This simple act may keep you from overeating and help you to maintain your weight. As an added benefit, eating slower may actually allow you to enjoy your food and taste it better. 
  4. Incorporate more fermented foods into your diet. Many cultures around the world have been eating fermented foods for generations – think sauerkraut in Germany and kimchi in Korea. Studies have shown a strong link between probiotic-rich foods and overall health. Sadly, with advances in technology and food preparation, these traditional foods are not as prevalent in today’s society. Not only are fermented foods rich in immune and gut-boosting probiotics, but they also contain beneficial digestive enzymes and a wide range of vitamins and minerals making them quite nutrient dense. Sauerkraut, for example, is rich in iron, vitamin C, vitamin A, and the lesser known vitamin K, which is essential for bone health. Aim to eat or drink something fermented 2–3 times per day as a condiment. Try my easy sauerkraut recipe to get started.



